Tuesday, August 23, 2011

New Lebaran, New Chapter??

Assalamualaikum my dearie followers. Sorry lah yer tak update blog semalam hehek :p was busy with that dumb folio. Hmm now let me start. I was wondering, lebaran yg baru nie akan jadi chapter yg baru jugak ke untuk aku??

Otak aku sentiasa berfikir tentang benda nie dari pertengahan ramadhan till now. Aku berharap sngt agar ianya menjadi bab baru dalam hidup aku. Penat lah sebulan nie dgn segala macam dugaan.

Walaupun luaran aku nampak mcm nothing happen tapi inside?? i'm dying.. Aku mmg pandai berlakon depan org. Aku act like nothing happen. Hidup happy takde masalah tapi hati? hadoiyai X_X

Now, hanya tinggal few days jer before raya. N I'm happy to celebrate Hari Raya with the loved ones :) but can't wait also for this friday! (y)

korang nak tau ader ape Jumaat nie?? tggu lah nnt aku post pasal "benda" tuw hahaha XD k lah. Malas mau citer panjang.

Now kitorang tgh slowly ok balik. Hope lepas raya dh ok noh. Penat aku nak gaduh lama2 nie coz aku sendiri penat bersedih hati. 

Tapi, bfore gerak, aku ada 1 line untuk dia (u know who i meant this word to :) ) 

If i've made u mad, apologise me. If i've made u cry, i'm sorry. If i'm bad, change me. If my talking style is like shit, advise me. If u didn't like my friends, just straightly say it to me. i'll try to stay away from them. If u think i've betray our friendship, i want u to think back bcoz if i've betray our friendship, i'll never be like a mad or dumb person to wander u with apologise letter, status, post in blog or whatever source i've used. So i hope, this Raya, we're already became friends again. Let us close the old chapter n open a new chapter eventhough it's hard for u to forget about everything that happen :)