Sunday, October 2, 2011

After So Long...

Assalamualaikum. Semua ape khabar? Sorry lah dah lama gila tak update. Tak tau nak update ape. But i'll try to update anything k. Actually at this post, aku just nak cerita pasal life aku sekarang.

Eventhough ok already, but hmmm ada benda lain yg muncul. Nak citer ke apa yg muncul tuw kat sini? hehe sorry tak boleh nak cerita coz ramai sangat spy kat sini LOL XD

"Forget this person, love the other person" said Syadad. But... HOW? Susah owh.. Sebab sayang aku dah bertukar menjadi benci n it's impossible for me to change it back. Aku pun dah kena lovestruck with this person. So mmg susah. Sngt2 susah. Hmm..

Now aku seriously malas nak pikir benda2 nie semua. Makes me cry like a stupid person. N now i try to forget everything n start a new chapter. Yes, new chapter of my life. That's all.

Assalamualaikum n Ciao :)