Tuesday, October 11, 2011

It's Better To Have Few Best Friend Than Having Thousands Of Fake Friends

H to the E to the L to the L to the O = Hello guys. Sorry sebab dah lama tak update blog. I'm quite busy n also lazy to update this blog. Lagipun takde idea nak update ape kat sini. Yeah so sukahati gua lah hehek ;p

Today, we're going to discuss about best friend n fake friend (mcm dlm class english pulak haha xD) Back to the topic, yes. It's true to it's better to have just a few best friends or maybe only 1 best friend than having thousands of friend across the world but all of them are fake friends. 

Sebab fake friend nie, korang boleh jumpa kat mana2 jer. Here, there, up, down, left, right or anywhere. They can be ur totally best friend at ur brightest time. But when comes ur darkest time, they'll gone. To where? All of us will not know. Maybe to hell -.-'

But True Best Friends will remain by ur side at ur brightest time, darkest time, when ur crying, they'll comfort u, they trust u, they'll protect u, they'll cheer u up when ur sad n all the good deeds a best friend do.

Yeah, i know it's hard to find a really true best friend now. We can easily get billions of fake friend but to find only 1 true best friend? It's just same hard like finding a true love. It can take maybe few days, few weeks, few months or maybe few years to find them.

I've experienced this thing n i know how hard it is to find either true love or true best friend. It because nowadays, people are not honest with other people. They love to lie no matter who are that person to them.

Bak kata pepatah, "Susah nak membezakan mana satu kaca (fake friends) mana satu permata (true friends)"

Assalamualaikum n Ciao ;)